Once a vibrant community cultural space, playing host to meetings, concerts, theatrical performances, parties, weddings, and more, the Stimson-Green Mansion has sat empty since the onset of COVID-19 in March 2020. With this loss of event revenue, the Washington Trust has taken a significant financial hit.
But we're forging ahead, working to complete a multi-year capital campaign with one final project: the complete repair and repointing of the building’s 121-year-old masonry. With this project complete, we will stabilize this important historic landmark for decades to come.
Help us build a stronger Stimson-Green. Make a donation today! By making a donation at one of the suggested donation amounts below, you can opt in to receive limited edition Stimson-Green Mansion commemorative merchandise, all while supporting a great cause.
** Please note: if you would like to waive your perk/merchandise option in order to receive full tax deductibility for your gift, please indicate "waive perk" in the notes field below.
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